Silent mode: Sets the Silent mode to Off, Vibrate, or On.
Volumes: Sets individual volume levels for phone Ringtone, Notification sound, Touch feedback & system, and Music, video, games, and other media. Move the slider button on each volume bar to set its volume.
Vibrate strength: Allows you to set the vibration strength for calls, notifications, and touch feedback.
Quiet mode: Tap the Turn
Quiet mode switch to toggle it On or Off. Tap Quiet mode to set up your Quiet mode. You can schedule Quiet mode to activate
automatically and designate exceptions to your Quiet mode.
Sound profile: Sets the sound level for your Quiet mode. Choose Silent or Vibrate only.
Set time: Sets when to activate Quiet mode. Choose Always on or Schedule. If you tap Schedule, you can set the days and times to automatically turn Quiet mode on.
Block notification light: Checkmark to turn notifications light off.
Block alarms: Checkmark to turn the screen off and turn off all alarm sound.
Block incoming calls: Checkmark to block all incoming calls.
Incoming call settings: Tap to send auto-reply message for blocked calls and select contacts from whom to allow calls.
Help: Displays Quiet mode help information.
Ringtone: Sets the ringtone for calls.
You can also add a ringtone by tapping the New icon (at the upper-right
corner of the screen).
Notification sound: Sets the sound for
notifications. You can also add a notification sound by tapping the New icon (at
the upper-right corner of the screen).
Ringtone with vibration: Checkmark to set the phone to vibrate in addition to the ringtone when you receive calls.
Vibration type: Sets the incoming call
vibration options. Choose from Long Lasting, Rapid, Short
repeated, Standard, and Ticktock. Tap the New icon (at the upper-right corner of
the screen) to create your own vibration pattern.
Vibrate on tap: Checkmark to vibrate when you touch the screen (e.g., touch keys and make selections).
Sound effects: Tap to set dial pad touch tones, touch sounds, screen lock sound, sound when roaming, or emergency tone.
Dial pad touch tones: Checkmark to play tones when you use dial pad.
Touch sounds: Checkmark to play a sound when you make screen selections.
Screen lock sound: Checkmark to play a sound when you lock and unlock the screen.
Sound when roaming: Checkmark to play a sound when roaming.
Emergency tone: Sets the behavior when an emerency call is placed. Choose from Off, Alert, and Vibrate.
Message/call voice notifications: Tap
the Message/call voice notifications switch to toggle it On or Off.On allows
your phone to automatically read your incoming calls and/or messages
out loud. Checkmark Calls for caller information, Messages for sender information, and Read
messages for message content. You can also set the readout