Music player icons



Tap to see the current playlist. 

Tap to see the current playlist.


Tap to find a song. 

Tap to find a song.


Tap to access the Music player Options menu. 

Tap to access the Music player Options menu.


Tap to set the current song as a favorite (toggle it on or off). 

Tap to set the current song as a favorite (toggle it on or off).


Tap to set the shuffle mode (toggle it on or off). 

Tap to set the shuffle mode (toggle it on or off).


Tap to set the repeat mode (on, off, or same song). 

Tap to set the repeat mode (on, off, or same song).


Tap to manage the music volume using a pop-up window.  

Tap to manage the music volume using a pop-up window. The Volume buttons will also to adjust the volume.


Tap to go back to the beginning of the song. 

Tap to go back to the beginning of the song. Tap 2 times to return to the previous song. Touch and hold to rewind in 3 second increments.


Tap to pause playback. 

Tap to pause playback.

Tap to resume playback. 

Tap to resume playback.


Tap to skip to the next track on the album or in the playlist.  

Tap to skip to the next track on the album or in the playlist. Touch and hold to fast-forward in 3 second increments.


Tap to set available audio effects. 

Tap to set available audio effects.