LG Front Load Washers are high efficiency washers that use as little water as possible. It is NORMAL for there to be NO visible water line on the door of the washer.
Are cloths wet at the end of the cycle?
Yes No -
Is there residue on the cloths, as if they are not completely rinsing?
Yes No -
This indicates that the drum is overloaded. You need to remove some of the cloths and continue the washing cycle.
Too much detergent can leave a residue in the clothes that may be mistaken as not rinsing as the result of not enough water. In this case, using the correct TYPE and AMOUNT of detergent is imperative.
Ensure to use only HE detergents during your washing cycle.
Use the amount recommended by the detergent manufacturer.
Important: Use not more than the amount recommended by the detergent manufacturer; it's even safer to use less.
If you see soapsuds (bubbles that form when soap is mixed with water), use half of the recommended amount.
Keep reducing your detergent until no suds are seen anymore.
If using pods, do not exceed 1 pod per load. Pods may contain too much detergent for small loads.
If you live in an area with soft water, it may be necessary to keep reducing to as little as 2 tablespoons, until you understand the right amount that can complete your washing cycle without any form of suds.
HE detergents that are 2x or 3x concentrated may require you to use even less than 2 tablespoons.
If using a powdered HE detergent, the blue liquid detergent insert must be removed from the drawer. Place the powdered detergent in the cavity; where the blue insert was located.
Do NOT use the liquid cup insert in the dispenser to measure the detergent. The line above normal measures at 1/4 cup of detergent. This is too much for most loads.
Instead, use the measuring device that comes with the detergent. Most loads can be washed with the least recommended detergent, which is usually measured to Line 1 on a detergent bottle cap.
This amount comes to just below the bottom of the NORMAL word, barely touching the white overhang. For smaller loads, use less.
Important Notes for Soft Water
Soft Water requires LESS detergent.
Soft water means there are fewer minerals in the water. Detergents treat minerals in the water like soil, so fewer minerals mean less detergent.
In soft water conditions, use HALF of the detergent manufacturer's recommended amount of detergent. If suds are still visible, decrease by half again.
The unit detects the load and determines the amount of water to use. If the clothes come out clean and wet, then the unit is using the correct amount of water. To increase the amount of water in the cycle, use the BULKY CYCLE or WATER PLUS option.

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