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gree leaves with flower bud gree leaves with flower bud gree leaves with flower bud

Sustainability for a better life

We truly believe that Life’s Good. But in order to keep enjoying all the things it has to offer, we need to put caring for the planet, and each other, first. That’s why LG is redesigning our innovative processes as part of our commitment to creating a better life for all.

Sustainability for a better life

We truly believe that Life’s Good. But in order to keep enjoying all the things it has to offer, we need to put caring for the planet, and each other, first. That’s why LG is redesigning our innovative processes as part of our commitment to creating a better life for all.

Sustainability for a better life

We truly believe that Life’s Good. But in order to keep enjoying all the things it has to offer, we need to put caring for the planet, and each other, first. That’s why LG is redesigning our innovative processes as part of our commitment to creating a better life for all.

Come together for nature

We’re teaming up with the National Wildlife Federation to help students learn about our most endangered species. But we’re not stopping with the classroom—watch our series come to life in New York’s Times Square!

In partnership with NBC and in support of their upcoming TV series The Americas, we’ve created an exciting 3D visual space that will feature several animals that need protecting. Visit our billboard at Broadway and 45th Street, look up, and see how Life’s Good when we help protect endangered species.
snow leopard paw icon
Snow Leopard
New York welcomed the snow leopard and raised awareness for conservation.
feather icon
Bald Eagle
Visit the bald eagle in Times Square, just in time for Independence Day.
sea lion icon
Sea Lion
Take a dive with a playful sea lion this fall to help protect marine life.
wolf icon
Red Wolf
Join us in the fight to save the critically endangered American red wolf.
Butterfly icon
Monarch Butterfly
Marvel at the regal beauty of one the world's most vital pollinators.
snow leopard
snow leopard paw icon

Snow Leopard

New York welcomed the snow leopard and raised awareness for conservation.
bald eagle
feather icon

Bald Eagle

Visit the bald eagle in Times Square, just in time for Independence Day.
sea lion
sea lion icon

Sea Lion

Take a dive with a playful sea lion this fall to help protect marine life.
red wolf
red wolf icon

Red Wolf

Join us in the fight to save the critically endangered American red wolf.
Butterfly icon

Monarch Butterfly

Marvel at the regal beauty of one the world's most vital pollinators.
LG and friends in times square

Who’s got “natural talent?”

LG invites you to help decide which threatened or endangered animal should be brought to life on our 3D Times Square billboard. Cast your vote today for the next animal to “star” on Broadway!

We’re cutting carbon, not creating it

When we say we’re working towards zero emissions, we mean zero. LG is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and aiming to use 100% renewable energy for all our operations by 2050.

We’re cutting carbon, not creating it

When we say we’re working towards zero emissions, we mean zero. LG is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and aiming to use 100% renewable energy for all our operations by 2050.
Mainatance card image for tablet

We’re cutting carbon, not creating it

When we say we’re working towards zero emissions, we mean zero. LG is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and aiming to use 100% renewable energy for all our operations by 2050.
Mainatance card image for mobile

What goes around, comes around

We’re going full circle with our commitment. That means recycling existing materials for sustainable products that can last a lifetime.

What goes around, comes around

We’re going full circle with our commitment. That means recycling existing materials for sustainable products that can last a lifetime.
Mainatance card image for tablet

What goes around, comes around

We’re going full circle with our commitment. That means recycling existing materials for sustainable products that can last a lifetime.
Mainatance card image for mobile

Designed for a brighter future

We’re designing technologies that not only reduce carbon emissions, but also conserve resources and make living more sustainable for everyone.

Designed for a brighter future

We’re designing technologies that not only reduce carbon emissions, but also conserve resources and make living more sustainable for everyone.

Designed for a brighter future

We’re designing technologies that not only reduce carbon emissions, but also conserve resources and make living more sustainable for everyone.

Building a sustainable workplace

Our corporate campus not only supports the well-being of its employees, but also fosters a culture of innovation and environmental preservation. Learn more about how we’re transforming our workplace to reduce our impact.
Community e-cycling drive image for desktop Community e-cycling drive image for tablet Community e-cycling drive image for mobile

Community e-cycling drive

We are committed to reducing the amount of e-waste in our landfills. That’s why we invite community members to bring us their old electronics to help them find new life as recycled materials.
LG Inspiration Lab & campus tour image LG Inspiration Lab & campus tour image for tablet LG Inspiration Lab & campus tour image for mobile

LG Inspiration Lab & campus tour

We’re always looking toward the future. Join us in the LG Inspiration Lab, where you can discover how innovative ideas brought to life today are helping shape a better tomorrow.
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Pollinator garden

Our corporate campus is home to a unique garden designed to attract local pollinating insects like butterflies and bees. These little guests are vital to healthy life cycles and environmental sustainability.

Join us in our mission

The next step is action! Learn more about how you can help LG preserve, conserve and sustain our shared environment.
Join our mission image for desktop

Join us in our mission

The next step is action! Learn more about how you can help LG preserve, conserve and sustain our shared environment.
Join our mission image for tablet
Join our mission image for mobile

Join us in our mission

The next step is action! Learn more about how you can help LG preserve, conserve and sustain our shared environment.

Images may be simulated and dramatized for illustrative purposes. Actual features, functionality, and other product specifications may differ and are subject to change without notice. Prices, promotions, and availability may vary by model, store, and online. Prices subject to change without notice. Quantities are limited. Check with your local retailers for their final price and availability.

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