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Burners & Drives

Discontinued Burners & Drives

Discontinued Products

At LG, we are constantly improving, refining, and updating our products. But all LG products are designed to provide years of use and enjoyment.

Discontinued Products

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Whether you want to back up your data or gain the ability to take it with you wherever you go, our burners and drives will be there when you need them. But in order to bring you the latest technology -- with all the features and functionality you need -- we're always updating our collection. However, because some discontinued LG burners and past drive models may still be in use or sold by third-party vendors, we've created a place that's dedicated to supporting them. Here, you’ll find all of the information, specs, features, and reviews available for our discontinued devices, so you can learn more about the burners and drives you rely on. For additional help or information, you can contact a customer service representative, by visiting LG Support. Whether your drive or burner is still under warranty or not, our support center will be there help. However, if your drive is beyond repair or you simply need a secondary burner, you can browse our newest range of data storage devices and find one with all the features you need. From state-of-the-art external solutions to our top-rated internal drives, our selection gives you access to the latest technology -- making it easy to do more at home, at the office and everywhere in between.

Images may be simulated and dramatized for illustrative purposes. Actual features, functionality, and other product specifications may differ and are subject to change without notice. Prices, promotions, and availability may vary by model, store, and online. Prices subject to change without notice. Quantities are limited. Check with your local retailers for their final price and availability.

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