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    [LG Laptop USB Booting] How can I boot it with USB?
    Try this--------Do you know how to enter BIOS?➔ As soon as it is powered on, press the [F2] key consecutively to enter BIOS.Depending on the model, the BIOS settings screen may be different. Some modelsmay not have the BIOS settings screen....
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    How to turn on/off the touch screen
    Screen touch function is available for some models only and you can turn on/offthe touch function in the settings.Try this--------Windows 10 product➔ How to turn [On/Off] in the LG Control Center app① In the input window at the left bottom ...
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    [LG Laptop Wi-Fi Connection] Wireless internet connection fails
    Due to Windows setting of wireless network, wireless LAN driver errors orwireless LAN router problems, the internet connection might fail.Causes and Symptoms------------------- * In Windows, internet connection is failed due to issues in th...
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    [LG Laptop] web cam does not operate
    There exists the [Secure Mode] function that can reduce anxiety and improvesecurity by disabling the camera or mic that can invade privacy as well ascausing the danger of hacking.Simultaneously press the [Fn] + [F4] keys on keyboard to swit...
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    [LG Laptop Monitor Connection] I want to connect my laptop to a 4K monitor
    For a 4K monitor, you must use a USB-C cable or HDMI/DP cable that supports4K/60Hz in order to express high resolution.The laptop's graphics must be set according to the 4K monitor.If not, the screen might look corrupted.Causes and Symptoms...
  • Video Contents
    LG PC - Sync On Mobile Guide
    [https://lg.com/support]------------------------video subtitles---------------If you use Sync On Mobile app, you can send photos or videos on a mobile deviceto PC easily. If there is no Sync On Mobile app on a mobile device, use the camera ...
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