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    LG DVD Player - I can’t repeat and play the disc
    I can’t repeat and play the discSymptomYou can’t repeat and play the discHow to fix▶ Press the REPEAT button and select what you want.- REPEAT 1 is for repeating one song and REPEAT CD is for repeating thedisc. REPEAT ALL CD is for repeatin...
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    LG DVD - It can't recognize Disc
    It can't recognize Disc SymptomIt displays “NO DISC” on the screen.CauseIf there is a foreign object on lens or disc, it displays ‘CD’. Please clean thelens and disc.Onboard type is one you open the cover and insert the CD from above. If yo...
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    I can't play VCD
    I can't play VCDSymptomYou can’t play VCD. How to fixAll the products such as DVD, Home Theatre, etc. produced after July, 2008 donot have a feature that can read VIDEO CD.(Customers do not use this feature pretty much and if one pick-up re...
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    It shows [Check the local code] on the screen
    It shows [Check the local code] on the screenHow to fixFor DVD title, different local codes are assigned to each country due to thedistributor’s copyright and profit. So you can’t watch the DVDbought in other country using domestic DVD play...
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    LG DVD - No power
    []1. Check the Power Cable * Ensure the power cord is securely plugged into both the DVD player and the power outlet. * If the cable appears damaged or frayed, you may need to replace it.2. Test the Power Outlet * Plug...
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    LG DVD - Too much noise from DISC
    Too much noise from DISCSymptomDisc noise CauseIf the Disc is bent or has many scratches, there may be noise.If there is noise for other discs and if it bothers you, feel free to contactthe service center for checking.How to fixCheck if the...
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