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    LG Air Conditioner - Error Codes
    An error code on the display of the room air conditioner can usually be resolvedby performing a few simple troubleshooting steps. If you need information abouta split unit or duct free air conditioner, they are considered business units,ple...
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    LG Air Conditioner - Inspection code: CH38
    ■ Title - Inspection code: CH38■ Problem - Error/Display screen■ Symptom - CH38■ Possible Cause - The CH38 error code will appear when the refrigerant(gas) level of theappliance is low, to protect the appliance.■ Solution or Settings1. Did ...
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    [LG Air Conditioner Error Code] The display shows F1, F3 and F5
    On the air conditioner display window, F1, F3 or F5 indicates the fan speed ofthe wall mounted air conditioner.After showing it on the product display for 5 seconds, it will return to theprevious display status.Display on remote control scr...
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    LG Air Conditioner - How to apply Sleep Mode Function
    []Sleep Mode in an LG air conditioner is a feature that adjusts the temperaturegradually while you sleep, providing a more comfortable and energy-efficientcooling experience. It works by slightly increasing the temper...
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    [LG Air Conditioner Error Code] AI appears on the display, and temperature is not adjusted
    [AI] standing for artificial intelligence is a function same as auto operationthat makes the product automatically supply adequate temperature and airflow toindoor environment.NoteSome of the operation modes may not be supported depending o...
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    [LG Air Conditioner Error Code][Wall-Mounted] CH and 61 alternatively blink on the display
    [Cooling] Inspection code of error CH 61 can be displayed to protect the productwhen the temperature of the evaporator of the outdoor unit rises high.[Heating] Error code CH61 may appear if the temperature inside the indoor unitrises high b...
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