Press Release





Breakthrough Technology Prioritizes Energy Efficiency Without Sacrificing User Comfort


Dubai-UAE: June 9 2018 — The spread of eco-friendly and climate control technology in the latter half of the 20th century helped raise the standard of living across the globe as happiness and productivity soared due to solutions that were able to make any environment more comfortable. However, many do not realize that the effective climate control required to create a comfortable environment involves much more than simply regulating temperature. While many top-of-the-line VRF solutions are designed to keep temperatures under control, efficiently creating the ideal environment also involves tackling humidity head on. After all, even if a VRF is able to maintain a constant temperature, humidity plays a key role in determining relative comfort levels..


This has a number of practical applications, as office productivity and morale suffer if responsible steps are not taken to guarantee employee comfort by reigning in temperature and humidity. The need to combat humidity is felt even more acutely at production facilities since these same productivity and sustainability concerns apply to costly equipment and machinery as well as employees.


“Most VRFs don’t take room humidity into account when calculating airflow output, said Mr. Yong Geun Choi, President LG Electronics Gulf . “This can cause users to overuse their air conditioner as they seek to create a comfortable temperature. Similarly, in rooms that have lower levels of humidity, air conditioners may be able to operate at lower levels despite the user tendency to turn up the AC at every opportunity.”



These issues are addressed head on by the Dual Sensing Control capabilities of LG’s new MULTI V 5. Dual Sensing Control raises user comfort while increasing control, allowing the advanced MULTI V 5 to perform real time climate evaluations down to the smallest detail. Unlike conventional air conditioners which only track temperature, the MULTI V 5 is able to measure the temperature and humidity levels of surrounding outdoor and indoor environments. This comprehensive understanding of its surroundings helps the MULTI V 5 tailor its performance to not only be green and promote healthy environments, but achieve optimal energy efficiency and indoor comfort levels.



Moreover, efficient systems like Smart Load Control make it possible to control the outdoor unit’s discharge refrigerant temperature, increasing energy efficiency by up to 31 percent. This stands in stark contrast to typical VRFs which inefficiently fluctuate in order to maintain a set indoor temperature. The addition of the Comfort Cooling function and Dual Sensing Control gives the MULTI V 5 the ability to maintain operation around a desired temperature, delivering maximum user comfort.


Solutions like the MULTI V 5 are demonstrating that superior user comfort can be achieved without sacrificing energy efficiency through the use of advanced sensors and adaptive programming. By doubling the ability of its VRF to interpret environmental factors, LG has created a solution that is able to effectively respond to user demands while reducing energy consumption. This significant boost in efficiency has made the MULTI V 5 a leader in its market, showing how the most forward-thinking technology can be applied to create solutions that benefit users, their pocketbooks and the planet.


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