LG Monitor - I cannot change the channel using the remote controller included in the LG TV Monitor package
If you connect the set top box to the TV via HMDI cable to watch TV, you cannot change the channel with a remote control that comes with the monitor product.
(Same as other company models)
Target model All models before the TV or IPTV monitor remote control was provided
Causes and Symptoms
- I am watching TV using a set top box.
- Remote control battery is out.
Try this
Are you currently watching TV using a settop box?
If you connect the settop box to the TV via HMDI cable to watch TV, you cannot change the channel with a remote control that comes with the monitor product. (Same as other company models)
Use the remote controller provided with the settop box(service provider).
Differentiate the status of TV connections.
1. When you connect it to the settop box via HDMI input to watch TV: Use the settop box remote controller to change the channel.
2. When you connect the antenna(copper axis cable) signal to watch TV: Use the TV monitor remote control(in the package) to change the channel.
Suddenly failed during use?
➔ Check the battery for the remote control.
If the battery for the remote control is expired, or inserted in the opposite direction, then it will not operate.
Check the battery replacement or assembly status.
If some specific buttons on the remote control do not work, then you need to check the remote controller for defects.
How to replace the batteries for a general/simple remote control
This guide was created for all models, so the images or content may be different from your product.