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LG ThinQ - Troubleshooting Failed Product Registration

  • Troubleshooting

At a Glance

If you have trouble connecting your product to the LG ThinQ app, you can troubleshoot the issue and find a resolution by following these instructions.

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If you have trouble connecting your product to the LG ThinQ app diagnose the problem and resolve it by following the instructions.

Network not connected message. If the message "network not connected" appears when connecting your product. Please check if the mobile device is properly connected to the wireless router. If it’s not connected please check if the wireless router is turned on and also if the LAN and wireless router are properly connected.

Network not found message. If the message "network not found" appears when connecting your product, please check if any special characters are included on the Wi-Fi name and password. If they are the ThinQ app may not be able to locate the router. Change the Wi-Fi name and password so that it only includes English characters, numbers or certain special characters.

If the wireless router has been replaced, please change the network settings on your registered product.

After selecting your registered product from the ThinQ home screen, tap the settings icon on the top of the screen. Select change network, then select the replaced wireless router. When the product registration is complete via the changed network, in a moment Network change will be completed.

Check out the four tips below if your product is not connecting properly.

Tip number one: Place your product as close as possible to the wireless router.

Tip number two: If your product is far away from the router setting up an additional router in between is also recommended. You will be able to register the product more easily.

Tip number three: If the network is unstable or if your product requires an update you may not be able to register your product to the network. In this case turn off your product, try again after a minute or so or update it to the latest version.

Tip number four: Product registration can be difficult if the wireless router signal is weak. Try registering again after rebooting the wireless router.

Try this

Before registering the product, check the router and smart phone setting.

Power Cycle the Mobile Device and Appliance.

  • Unplug the unit for 30 seconds and power cycle the phone.

  • After 30 seconds, plug the LG appliance back in and power on the phone. This will refresh the connection.

  • Retry setup via the ThinQ app.

Wi-Fi Router Checklist.

  • The ThinQ app supports 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi. Confirm the network name you’re connecting to has 2.4 G/ 2.4 GHz next to the name.

  • Confirm the network password is being entered correctly.

  • Confirm the router is within 10m (30 ft.) of the product. If greater than 10m (30ft.) shorten the distance between the router and the product and retry.

On the smart phone, turn off [Mobile Data].

The product’s Wi-Fi is not connected to the internet, so go to the smartphone setting, and deactivate Mobile Data Auto Switching.
Turn off the mobile data and set up an internet connection with the WI-Fi signal and then register the product.
* iPhone : Setting → Cellular → Cellular Data

Check if the ‘Wi-Fi Auto On’ and the ‘Switch to Mobile Data’ settings are activated.

Deactivate the ‘Wi-Fi Auto On’ function and the ‘Switch to Mobile Data’ function.
(Different items exist depending on the model of mobile phone from each maker, thus refer to the company guides.)
The setting is used for ThinQ connections only, so after making a connection, revert it to the original setting.

Android : Setting → WiFi → Advanced → Disable Wi-Fi Auto-On

iPhone (IOS) : Setting → WiFi → Disable network connection request

Check the security type of your router.

→ For your router’s security type, you are recommended to use WPA/WPA2 and you cannot access ThinQ with WEP, WAP3 and so on.

Check if ThinQ App is in the latest version.

→ If the app is not in the latest version, then update it first before registering it.

If the registration keeps failing, then check the following.

Due to temporary tx/rx failures, the product registration might fail.
Remove the power plug for the router and the product and wait for about one minute and then reconnect the power supplies and try again.
If the registration with the mobile phone fails, then use another mobile phone for registration.
(If the registration is successfully done with aother mobile phone, then it is not a problem with the product.)
Check if the password is inputted correctly.
After checking the password accurately, register the product again.
Password inputs are case sensitive.
Check the distance between the router and the product.
If the product is far away from the router or they are blocked from each other with walls and so on, then the signal will be weaker and connections will fail or be unstable.
Move the router to the location near the product.
If the error persists, then use hot spot(tethering) for a connection.
After disconnecting the router (wi-fi) connection, prepare two mobile phones and enable the hotspot (tethering) of one phone and complete product registration.
If registration is made in the hotspot (tethering) environment, the issue can be seen as caused by the router.

This guide was created for all models, so the images or content may be different from your product.


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