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Quick Circle User Interface
This unique circle LCD display in the main washer lets you easily and conveniently control the two washers at once. It keeps track of usage patterns to display your frequently used cycles.
Auto Dosing System
The auto dosing function detects laundry soil levels and automatically dispenses the detergent dosage needed to effectively clean your clothes.
A Smarter Home Starts with the LG ThinQ® App
The ThinQ app offers control and convenience for smart LG appliances to help you simplify life and enjoy the comforts of home. Manage your washer/dryer remotely, track and download cycles, connect with Google or Alexa voice assistants, and access smart diagnosis, customer support, and more. ThinQ Care appliances send usage, maintenance, and diagnostic alerts to help you keep them running smoothly. ThinQ UP appliances receive software updates for new features and enhancements. Learn more.
Unleash the Potential of Laundry Innovation
Bask in the luxury of convenience with LG SmartThinQ® technology that provides remote management of key features.
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Discover the LG SIGNATURE Smart wi-fi Enabled Washer/Dryer Combo.
1Wi-Fi and ThinQ® app required. Available on select smart appliances.*Purchase select refrigerator, cooking appliances, dishwasher, washer, dryer, and/or a Washer/dryer combo with select LG Premium Care Plans for savings on 2- or 3-year extended service plan. Both product and extended service plan must be purchased in a single transaction between 6/7/2024 and 6/18/2024. This offer is subject to availability. If any of the qualifying items are removed from the cart or part of the order is canceled or returned, the promotional savings will be void. Prices and offers are non-redeemable for cash, non-transferable and may not be combined with other offers/discounts. Availability, prices and terms of offer are subject to change without notice. Terms and restrictions apply. Not available in Florida.
For more information on LG Premium Care Plans, please visit: LG Premium Care
Eligible Refrigerator Models:
LROFC0605V, LRONC0705A, LT11C2000V, LTCS20020W, LTCS20020S, LTCS20030S, LTCS20020B, LRSWS2806S, LBNC15231V, LFCS22520S, LRSXS2706V, LRFCS25D3S, LRSXS2706S, LF21G6200S, LRBNC1104S, LFCS22520D, LRDCS2603S, LRFCS29D6S, LFDS22520S, LRSOS2706S, LRDCS2603D, LRFWS2906S, LRSOS2706D, LRSXS2706W, LRSXS2706B, LFXS26973S, LRFWS2906D, LRSXC2306V, LRFS28XBS, LRFLS3206S, LRSXC2306S, LRBCC1204S, LRFWS2906V, LRFCC23D6S, LRFS28XBD,LRMNC1803S, LMXS28626S, LRFXS2503S, LF30S8210S, LRFXC2606S, LRFXS2503D, LMWS27626S, LRSDS2706S, LFCC22426S, LMXS28626D, LMWC23626S, LRMXC1803S, LRSOC2306S, LF30H8210S, LF29H8330S, LF25G8330S, LHFS28XBD, LRYXC2606S, LF29H8330D, LRMXS3006S, LF31S6360S, LRMWS2906S, LF29S8330S, LRKNS1205V, LRMWS2906D, LF29S8365S, LRYXC2606D, LF29S8330D, SRFB27S3, LRYKC2606S, LFCC23596S, LRFGC2706S, LF29S8250S, LFXC22526D, LFXS28968S, LRYKC2606D, LRMDS3006S, LRMDC2306S, LRKNS1400V, SRFB27W3, LRMDS3006D, LMXC22626S, LRMVC2306S, LRMVS3006S, LRYXS3106D, LMXC22626D, LRMVC2306D, LFXS26596S, LRMXC2206S, LRMXS2806D, LRFOC2606S, LRMXC2206D, LRYKS3106S, LRYKS3106D, LMXS28596S, LMXS28596D, LRMVS2806S, LRMVS2806D, LRFDS3016S, LRFDS3016D, SRFVC2416S, LRFDC2406D, LRFVS3006S, SRFVC2406S, LRFVS3006D, LRFVC2406S, LRMDC2306D, LRFVC2406D, URETC1408N, URNTS3106N, URNTC2306N, SRSXB2622S, LT18S2100W, LT18S2100S
Eligible Washer and Dryer models:
DLEX4000W, DLEX4000B, DLE8400WE, DLE7150M, DLE8400BE, DLG7151W, DLG3471W, DLG3601W, DLG3471M, DLG3601V, DLEX5500W, DLEX5500V, DLGX4001W, DLGX4001B, DLEX4200W, DLG8401WE, DLG7151M, DLEX7900WE, DLEX6500W, DLEX7900BE, DLEX6500B, DLG8401BE, DLGX5501W, DLGX5501V, DLE7400WE, DLEX4200B, DLGX4201W, DLEX8600BE, DLHC1455W, DLGX7901WE, DLGX6501W, DLGX7901BE, DLGX6501B, DLE7400VE, DLG7401WE, DLGX4201B, DLG7301WE, DLEX8900B, DLEX6700B, DLGX8601BE, DLEX7800WE, DLG7401VE, DLG7301VE, DLHC5502V, DLHC5502B, DLHC5502W, DLGX8901B, DLGX6701B, DLEX7800VE, DLEX4500B, DLEX8100V, DLGX4501B, DLEX9500K, DLGX9501K, WT6105CW, WT6100CW, WT6105CM, WM3400CW, WT7005CW, WT7000CW, WM3470CW, WM3600HWA, WM3470CM, WM3600HVA, WT7150CW, WT7155CW, WM4000HWA, WM4000HBA, WT8400CW, WT8405CW, WT7150CM, WM5500HWA, WM5500HVA, WT8400CB, WT8405CB, WM4200HWA, WM5700HVA, WM6500HWA, WM6500HBA, WT7900HWA, WT7900HBA, WM4200HBA, WT7400CW, WT7405CW, WM1455HWA, WT8600CB, WT7400CV, WT7405CV, WM8900HBA, WM6700HBA, WM3555HWA, WM3555HVA, WM3998HBA, WM6998HBA,WM6998HVA
Eligible WashTower models:
Eligible Cooking appliance models:
CBGJ3023S, CBED2415B, LREL6321S, LREL6323S, CBGD2414S, CBGJ3623S, LCE3010SB, CBGJ3023D, LRGL5821S, LRGL5823S, LREL6323D, LREL6325F, LSEL6331F, LRGL5823D, LREL6325D, LSEL6333F, LRGL5825F, LSGL5831F, LDE4413ST, LSEL6333D, LRGL5825D, LDG4313ST, LSGL5833F, LSEL6335F, LSGL5833D, WSEP4723F, LSEL6335D, LSGL6335F, WSEP4723D, WSED3023B, CBGJ3623D, LCE3610SB, LSCE305ST, CBGJ3027S, CBGJ3627S, LSCE365ST, LCE3010SBE, LCG3011ST, LCE3610SBE, LCG3611ST, LCG3011BD, LSGL6335D, LSE4611ST, LSIL633TFE, WSEP4727F, WSED3067M, LSEL6337F, LSGL6337F, WDEP9423F, WDEP9423D, LSDL6336F, LWS3063ST, WCEP6423F, LSES6338F, LSGS6338F, LWS3063BD, LSWS307ST, LSEL6337D, LTEL7337F, WSES4728F, WCEP6423D, LSHD3080ST HCED3015S, LSHD3680ST, HCED3015D, HCED3615S, HCED3615D, LSES6338N, LSIL6336F, LTEL7337D, LSGL6337D, WDEP9427F, LSGS6338N, LSDS6338F, LTGL6937F, LSDL6336D, LTGL6937D, , SSE3027ST, WCEP6427F, LSE4616ST, LSE4616BD, WDES9428F, LSIS6338F, LWD3063BD, LSCG367ST, LCG3611BD, CBGS3028N, CBGS3028S, BIH3017BE, CBGS3628S, CBIH3617BE, CBIS3618B, DLG6101W, DLG6101M, DLG7001W, DLG3401W, DLG7151W, DLG3471W, DLG3601W DLG3471M, DLG3601V, DLGX4001W, DLGX4001B, DLG8401WE, DLG7151M, DLG8401BE, DLGX5501W, DLGX5501V, DLGX4201W, DLGX7901WE, DLGX6501W, DLGX7901BE, DLGX6501B, DLG7401WE, DLGX4201B, DLG7301WE, DLGX8601BE, DLG7401VE, DLG7301VE, DLGX8901B, DLGX6701B, DLGX4501B, DLGX9501K, WCES6428F, LUTD4919SN, LSE4617ST, LSIS3018SS, LWC3063ST
Eligible Dishwasher models:
LDFC2423V, LDFC2423B, LDFC2423W, LDFN3432T, LDFN4542B, LDFN4542W, LDFN4542S, LDFN4542D, LDF5545SS, ADFD5448AT, LDTS5552S, LDP6810SS, LDTS5552D, LDTH5554S, LDPH5554S, LDTH5554D, LDPH5554D, LDPH7972S, LDTH7972S, LDPH7972D, LDTH7972D, LDPS6762S, LDPS6762D, LDP6810BD, SDWD24P3, SDWB24S3, LDT7808SS, LDFN454HT, LDP7808BD, LDT7808BD, SDWB24W3, LUDP8908SN
Eligible Vacuum Models:
A931KWM, A925KSM, A913BM, A937KGMS
Images may be simulated and dramatized for illustrative purposes. Actual features, functionality, and other product specifications may differ and are subject to change without notice. Prices, promotions, and availability may vary by model, store, and online. Prices subject to change without notice. Quantities are limited. Check with your local retailers for their final price and availability.